[11:49:02] [main/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, destination] and [teleport, targets] with inputs: [Player, 0123, @e, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498] [11:49:03] [main/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, location] and [teleport, destination] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0] [11:49:03] [main/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, location] and [teleport, targets] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0] [11:49:03] [main/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, targets] and [teleport, destination] with inputs: [Player, 0123, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498] [11:49:03] [main/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, targets, location] and [teleport, targets, destination] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0] [11:49:03] [main/INFO]: Loaded 0 recipes [11:49:04] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.13.1 [11:49:04] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading properties [11:49:04] [Server thread/INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL [11:49:05] [Server thread/INFO]: This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56 (MC: 1.13.1) (Implementing API version 1.13.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) [11:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [11:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [11:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: Debug logging is disabled [11:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair [11:49:07] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on *:25868 [11:49:07] [Server thread/INFO]: Using epoll channel type [11:49:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Set PluginClassLoader as parallel capable [11:49:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [GameMode-Control] Loading GameMode-Control v1.8.1-RELEASE [11:49:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [PermissionsEx] Loading PermissionsEx v1.23.4 [11:49:21] [Server thread/WARN]: [PermissionsEx] This server is in offline mode. Unless this server is configured to integrate with a supported proxy (see http://dft.ba/-8ous), UUIDs *may not be stable*! [11:49:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlayerHeads] Loading PlayerHeads v3.10-SNAPSHOT-jenkins-PlayerHeads-1-61-g39b94b4 [11:49:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Loading WorldEdit v6.1.9;caf0ad9 [11:49:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Loading Essentials v2.9.5 [11:49:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Loading Vault v1.6.7-b${env.TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER} [11:49:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsSpawn] Loading EssentialsSpawn v2.9.5 [11:49:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [Spawn] Loading Spawn v1.0 [11:49:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsChat] Loading EssentialsChat v2.9.5 [11:49:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlotsquaredRaender] Loading PlotsquaredRaender v1.1 [11:49:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [MysqlEcoBridge] Loading MysqlEcoBridge v3.3.1 [11:49:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlotSquared] Loading PlotSquared v18.09.09-eab918b-2040 [11:49:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Enabling Vault v1.6.7-b${env.TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER} [11:49:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Economy] Essentials Economy found: Waiting [11:49:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Permission] PermissionsEx found: Waiting [11:49:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Permission] SuperPermissions loaded as backup permission system. [11:49:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Chat] PermissionsEx found: Waiting [11:49:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Enabled Version 1.6.7-b${env.TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER} [11:49:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [MysqlEcoBridge] Enabling MysqlEcoBridge v3.3.1 [11:49:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [MysqlEcoBridge] Using economy system: Essentials Economy [11:49:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [MysqlEcoBridge] Loading the config file... [11:49:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [MysqlEcoBridge] Connecting to the database... [11:49:27] [Server thread/ERROR]: [MysqlEcoBridge] Could not connect to mysql database! Error: Could not create connection to database server. Attempted reconnect 3 times. Giving up. [11:49:27] [Server thread/INFO]: [MysqlEcoBridge] Data save task is enabled. [11:49:27] [Server thread/INFO]: [MysqlEcoBridge] MysqlEcoBridge loaded successfully! [11:49:27] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlotSquared] Enabling PlotSquared v18.09.09-eab918b-2040 [11:49:27] [Server thread/INFO]: Version is PlotSquared-18.9.9-eab918b-2040 [11:49:28] [Server thread/INFO]: [P2] Metrics enabled. [11:49:28] [Server thread/INFO]: [P2]  PlotSquared is using online UUIDs [11:49:30] [Server thread/INFO]: PlotSquared hooked into WorldEdit. [11:49:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [P2] Key: plot-expiry, Value: false [11:49:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [P2] Key: kill-road-mobs, Value: false [11:49:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [P2] Key: kill-road-items, Value: false [11:49:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [P2] Key: worlds, Value: false [11:49:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [P2] Key: worldedit-restrictions, Value: true [11:49:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [P2] Key: database-purger, Value: false [11:49:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [P2] Key: economy, Value: true [11:49:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [P2] Key: block-cache, Value: true [11:49:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [P2] Key: kill-road-vehicles, Value: false [11:49:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [P2] Key: persistent-meta, Value: true [11:49:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [P2] Key: ban-deleter, Value: false [11:49:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [P2] Key: updater, Value: true [11:49:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [P2] Key: database, Value: true [11:49:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [P2] Key: plotme-converter, Value: true [11:49:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [P2] Key: permission-cache, Value: true [11:49:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [P2] Key: rating-cache, Value: true [11:49:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [P2] Key: comment-notifier, Value: false [11:49:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [P2] Key: metrics, Value: true [11:49:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [P2] Key: chunk-processor, Value: false [11:49:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [P2] Key: uuid-cache, Value: true [11:49:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [P2] Key: events, Value: true [11:49:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [P2] Key: commands, Value: true [11:49:31] [Server thread/INFO]: PlotSquared is now enabled [11:49:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [P2] Metrics enabled. [11:49:31] [Server thread/WARN]: **** SERVER IS RUNNING IN OFFLINE/INSECURE MODE! [11:49:31] [Server thread/WARN]: The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware. [11:49:31] [Server thread/WARN]: While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose. [11:49:31] [Server thread/WARN]: To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the server.properties file. [11:49:31] [Server thread/INFO]: **** Beginning UUID conversion, this may take A LONG time **** [11:49:31] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing level "world" [11:49:31] [Server thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit [11:49:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Loaded 524 recipes [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [world] -------- [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Desert: 14357617 Igloo: 14357618 Jungle: 14357619 Swamp: 14357620 Monument: 10387313Ocean: 14357621 Shipwreck: 165745295 Slime: 987234911 [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100 [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 8 Hopper Check: 1 Hopper Amount: 1 [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 6 [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Vine Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Cocoa Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 32 / Mo 32 / Mi 16 / Tiv true [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 48 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64 [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 3.0 [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 2.5 [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000 [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200 [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10 [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true [11:49:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: BukkitPlotGenerator does not fully support: null [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [world_nether] -------- [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Desert: 14357617 Igloo: 14357618 Jungle: 14357619 Swamp: 14357620 Monument: 10387313Ocean: 14357621 Shipwreck: 165745295 Slime: 987234911 [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100 [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 8 Hopper Check: 1 Hopper Amount: 1 [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 6 [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Vine Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Cocoa Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 32 / Mo 32 / Mi 16 / Tiv true [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 48 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64 [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 3.0 [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 2.5 [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000 [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200 [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10 [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: BukkitPlotGenerator does not fully support: null [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [world_the_end] -------- [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Desert: 14357617 Igloo: 14357618 Jungle: 14357619 Swamp: 14357620 Monument: 10387313Ocean: 14357621 Shipwreck: 165745295 Slime: 987234911 [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100 [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 8 Hopper Check: 1 Hopper Amount: 1 [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 6 [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Vine Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Cocoa Growth Modifier: 100% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 32 / Mo 32 / Mi 16 / Tiv true [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 48 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64 [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 3.0 [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 2.5 [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000 [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200 [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10 [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: BukkitPlotGenerator does not fully support: null [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level minecraft:the_end (Seed: 6290417453293505027) [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 4% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 8% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 12% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 16% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 20% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 24% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 28% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 32% [11:49:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 36% [11:49:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 40% [11:49:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 44% [11:49:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 48% [11:49:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 52% [11:49:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 56% [11:49:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 60% [11:49:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 64% [11:49:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 68% [11:49:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 72% [11:49:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 76% [11:49:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 80% [11:49:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 84% [11:49:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 88% [11:49:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 92% [11:49:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 96% [11:49:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 100% [11:49:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level minecraft:overworld (Seed: 6290417453293505027) [11:49:40] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 4% [11:49:40] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 8% [11:49:40] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 12% [11:49:40] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 16% [11:49:40] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 20% [11:49:41] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 24% [11:49:41] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 28% [11:49:41] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 32% [11:49:41] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 36% [11:49:41] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 40% [11:49:41] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 44% [11:49:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 48% [11:49:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 52% [11:49:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 56% [11:49:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 60% [11:49:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 64% [11:49:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 68% [11:49:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 72% [11:49:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 76% [11:49:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 80% [11:49:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 84% [11:49:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 88% [11:49:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 92% [11:49:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 96% [11:49:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 100% [11:49:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level minecraft:the_nether (Seed: 6290417453293505027) [11:49:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 4% [11:49:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 8% [11:49:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 12% [11:49:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 16% [11:49:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 20% [11:49:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 24% [11:49:44] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 28% [11:49:44] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 32% [11:49:44] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 36% [11:49:44] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 40% [11:49:44] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 44% [11:49:44] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 48% [11:49:44] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 52% [11:49:44] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 56% [11:49:44] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 60% [11:49:44] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 64% [11:49:45] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 68% [11:49:45] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 72% [11:49:45] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 76% [11:49:45] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 80% [11:49:45] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 84% [11:49:45] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 88% [11:49:45] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 92% [11:49:45] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 96% [11:49:45] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 100% [11:49:45] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 8138 ms [11:49:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [GameMode-Control] Enabling GameMode-Control v1.8.1-RELEASE [11:49:45] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading GameMode-Control v1.8.1-RELEASE [11:49:45] [Server thread/INFO]: GameMode-Control by ApocalypsjeNL! [11:49:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [PermissionsEx] Enabling PermissionsEx v1.23.4 [11:49:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [PermissionsEx] Initializing sql backend [11:49:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [PermissionsEx] Successfully connected to SQL database [11:49:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault][Permission] PermissionsEx hooked. [11:49:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault][Chat] PermissionsEx_Chat hooked. [11:49:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlayerHeads] Enabling PlayerHeads v3.10-SNAPSHOT-jenkins-PlayerHeads-1-61-g39b94b4 [11:49:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Enabling WorldEdit v6.1.9;caf0ad9 [11:49:48] [Server thread/INFO]: WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions. [11:49:48] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling WorldEdit v6.1.9;caf0ad9 (Is it up to date?) java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Channel must contain : separator at org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.StandardMessenger.validateAndCorrectChannel(StandardMessenger.java:474) ~[Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.StandardMessenger.registerIncomingPluginChannel(StandardMessenger.java:209) ~[Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.WorldEditPlugin.onEnable(WorldEditPlugin.java:110) ~[?:?] at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:264) ~[Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:339) [Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:403) [Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_13_R2.CraftServer.enablePlugin(CraftServer.java:427) [Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_13_R2.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:341) [Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.MinecraftServer.l(MinecraftServer.java:582) [Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:545) [Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:423) [Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.DedicatedServer.init(DedicatedServer.java:288) [Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:698) [Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [?:1.8.0_181] [11:49:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Enabling Essentials v2.9.5 [11:49:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Bukkit-Versionsformat hat sich geändert. Version nicht kontrolliert. [11:49:48] [Server thread/INFO]: git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56 (MC: 1.13.1) [11:49:48] [Server thread/INFO]: 1.13.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT [11:49:48] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling Essentials v2.9.5 (Is it up to date?) java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.google.common.cache.CacheBuilder.build(Lcom/google/common/cache/CacheLoader;)Lcom/google/common/cache/Cache; at com.earth2me.essentials.UserMap.(UserMap.java:18) ~[?:?] at com.earth2me.essentials.Essentials.onEnable(Essentials.java:168) ~[?:?] at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:264) ~[Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:339) [Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:403) [Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_13_R2.CraftServer.enablePlugin(CraftServer.java:427) [Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_13_R2.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:341) [Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.MinecraftServer.l(MinecraftServer.java:582) [Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:545) [Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:423) [Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.DedicatedServer.init(DedicatedServer.java:288) [Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:698) [Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [?:1.8.0_181] [11:49:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy hooked. [11:49:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsSpawn] Enabling EssentialsSpawn v2.9.5 [11:49:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [Spawn] Enabling Spawn v1.0 [11:49:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsChat] Enabling EssentialsChat v2.9.5 [11:49:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlotsquaredRaender] Enabling PlotsquaredRaender v1.1 [11:49:50] [Server thread/INFO]: Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [11:49:50] [Server thread/INFO]: Done (19.502s)! For help, type "help" [11:49:50] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 8/INFO]: [Vault] Checking for Updates ... [11:49:51] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 7/WARN]: [Essentials] Plugin Essentials v2.9.5 generated an exception while executing task 16 java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access method org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.getClassByName(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class; from class com.earth2me.essentials.storage.BukkitConstructor at com.earth2me.essentials.storage.BukkitConstructor.getClassForNode(BukkitConstructor.java:418) ~[?:?] at org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.Constructor$ConstructYamlObject.getConstructor(Constructor.java:300) ~[Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.Constructor$ConstructYamlObject.construct(Constructor.java:309) ~[Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.BaseConstructor.constructObjectNoCheck(BaseConstructor.java:204) ~[Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.BaseConstructor.constructObject(BaseConstructor.java:193) ~[Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.BaseConstructor.constructDocument(BaseConstructor.java:159) ~[Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.BaseConstructor.getSingleData(BaseConstructor.java:146) ~[Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml.loadFromReader(Yaml.java:524) ~[Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml.load(Yaml.java:467) ~[Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at com.earth2me.essentials.storage.YamlStorageReader.load(YamlStorageReader.java:47) ~[?:?] at com.earth2me.essentials.storage.AbstractDelayedYamlFileReader.run(AbstractDelayedYamlFileReader.java:37) ~[?:?] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_13_R2.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:76) ~[Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_13_R2.scheduler.CraftAsyncTask.run(CraftAsyncTask.java:52) [Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-2440e18-4228a56] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149) [?:1.8.0_181] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624) [?:1.8.0_181] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [?:1.8.0_181] [11:49:51] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 8/WARN]: [Vault] Stable Version: 1.7.1 is out! You are still running version: 1.6.7 [11:49:51] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 8/WARN]: [Vault] Update at: https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/vault [11:49:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting UUID caching [11:49:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 8/INFO]: [P2] Starting player data caching for: world [11:49:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 8/INFO]: Fast mode UUID caching enabled! [11:49:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 8/INFO]: [P2] Cached a total of: 1 UUIDs